
Planting 101: Growing Cannabis

Marijuana has been one of the most controversial topics in the past few years. Many people and organizations have contested with the use of medical and recreational marijuana. Several states in the US have made the use of medical marijuana legal, but not all have been very open to the recreational use of it.

May it be a 100-gram packet or a 1000 grams one, most of the states will still penalize you with the same punishment and consequences, which usually entails jail time and/or bails. Even though advocates of the legalization of marijuana may emphasize the benefits of smoking pot, research suggested that there are legitimate uses of marijuana, and there are strong reasons to pursue studying cannabis further.

Now that you have opened yourself up with the thought of the legalization of cannabis might as well know the ways on how to grow them indoors. There are a lot of things that you should consider in growing this plant, that includes the following:

Light – Artificial light will do
Growing Medium – This is where you’ll develop your plants
Seeds – Find quality seeds at
Air – Good ventilation and air exchange is essential
Temperature – A rule you can keep in mind is if it is too hot for you, it’s warm for your plants as well
Food – or nutrients. You can find pre-formulated nutrients that you can add to your water.
Water – let’s face it; we all need water.

Here are the main steps in growing cannabis:


# 1 Choose a proper room

The first thing is that you should choose a suitable room for your plant. There are three main choices of cannabis plant owners are tents, empty cabinets, and spare rooms. Always remember to start small when doing something for the first time, this way you can lessen the cost of damage in case anything fails.

# 2 Choosing the right light

Light is one of the most essential part of growing cannabis. The proper lighting will make your plant grow better and avoid growing unnecessary plant parts. High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights are widely used for their combination of output, efficiency, and value. Fluorescent Grow Lights or high output t5 bulbs are popular for growers because they tend to be cheaper to set up and they don’t require a cooling system as HID does. The main problem is it is less efficient. LED grow lights use far less electricity and create less heat.

# 3 Keep them cool and dry

This type of plant requires a cool and dry area to foster. Placing an exhaust fan at the top of the cabinet or room will help remove excess heat and will help grow your plant better.